Versions of the Didactic Field in the National Common Base for Teacher Education in Brazil




didatics, teacher training, Pedagogy


This text seeks to discuss how the field of Didactics is located in the third version of the advice for revision and updating of the Resolution CNE/CP n. 02/2015 and in the Resolution CNE/CP n. 2, of December 20, 2019, which institutes the National Common Base for Teacher Training (BNC). Going through the contributions of scholars through the mapping of specialized literature, we support the conceptual argument that the field of Didactic, represented by the General Didactic component, establishes in the curriculum of the courses for teacher’s education degree a focus of theoretical-practical problematization of the mediation of learning in concrete contexts, relating educational purposes, knowledge and methodologies. The practical meaning of Didactic, embodied in a critical and transformative concept of teaching, does not find a place in the analyzed documents. When advocating the concept of Pedagogical Knowledge of Content to the detriment of the complexity of knowledges that intertwines in teacher education, the third version of the advice focused on specific didactics trends that are produced with a focus on the teaching of disciplinary content. In the final document, despite mentioning the specificity of the field of Didactic, denoting the viability of a curricular component of General Didactic, the BNC disregards the socio-political bases of didactic mediation, operating with a restrictive perspective that dissociates its methodological-operative character from epistemological and ethical-political reflection of Pedagogy.

Author Biographies

José Leonardo Rolim de Lima Severo, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)

Doutor em  Educação. Pedagogo. Professor adjunto da Universidade  Federal  da  Paraíba  (UFPB),  onde  atua  no Programa de  Pós-Graduação  em  Educação. Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Pedagogia,  Trabalho Educativo e Sociedade (Gepptes). Membro do GT 4 − Didática da ANPEd.

Selma Garrido Pimenta , Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Doutora em Educação (Filosofia da Educação).  Pedagoga. Professora titular sênior da Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), onde coordena (em parceria) o Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Formação do Educador (Gepefe). Professora associada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação  (Stricto sensu) da Universidade Católica de Santos (Unisantos). Membro do GT 4 − Didática da  ANPEd. Pesquisador 1A CNPq.


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How to Cite

Rolim de Lima Severo, J. L., & Garrido Pimenta , S. . (2020). Versions of the Didactic Field in the National Common Base for Teacher Education in Brazil. Série-Estudos - Periódico Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Educação Da UCDB.



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