Does the other lie? Or in another way? Truths and lies of the pedagogical




Pedagogical Ideas, Free Will Autonomy, Practical-theories relations


The text questions the idea of the OTHER in the four dimensions of the human thinking: the theological, the philosophical, the psychological and the pedagogical. To talk around the first, the ideas of Erasmus and Luther about “free will” are used. To the second, the ideas of Rousseau and Kant, around “autonomy”. For the third, Freud is called, regarding his concept of “transference” (“transfert”). Lastly, concerning the pedagogical dimension, Comenius, Pestalozzi, Steiner, Korzack and Freire are used to work the practical/theory relations, perceiving them in the context and in the reference universes. To think the pedagogical dimension, the authors used in the other three dimension are understood as “inheritance” and “testament”, questioning how they get to us and if they are present at what we consider as Education, today.

Author Biography

Loïc Chalmel , Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse et Colmar) de Monlhouse, France.

Doctorat en Sciences et Théories de L’Éducation - Université de Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg (1995). Professeur à l'Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse et Colmar) – retraité.


COMENIUS, J.-A. La grande didactique. Paris : Klincksieck, 1992.

ERASME, N. Essai sur le libre arbitre. Alger, Chaix, 1945.

FREIRE, P. La pédagogie des opprimés. Paris, La Découverte, 1974 .

FREUD, S. Cinq psychanalyses. Paris: PUF, 1993.

KANT, E. Beantwortung der frage: was it Aufklarung. Berlinische Monatschrift, Frankfurt, n. 4, Weinschedel, Insel, Tome VI, p. 481-94, 1964.

KORCZAK, J. Le droit de l’enfant au respect. Paris: R. Laffont, 1979.

LUTHER, M. De la liberté du chrétien. Paris : Points, 1996.

LUTHER, M. Du serf arbitre. Paris : Gallimard, Folio essais, 2001.

MESNARD, P. Introduction à l’essai sur le libre arbitre. Alger: Chaix, 1945.

RICHÉ, P.; VERGER, J. Des nains sur les épaules de géants: maitres et élèves au Moyen age. Paris: Tallander, 2006.

ROUSSEAU, J. J. Émile ou de l'éducation. Paris: Granier-Flammarion, 1966.

SOËTARD, M. Journal de Pestalozzi sur l’éducation de son fils. In: Etudes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, n. 6. Montmorency: Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1995.

STEINER, R. Philosophie de la liberté. Paris, PUF, 1923.

STROHL, H. La substance de l´evangile selon Luther: témoignages choisis, traduits et annotés par Henri Strohl doyen de la faculté de théologie protestante de Strasbourg. Paris: La Cause, 1931.



How to Cite

Chalmel , L. (2022). Does the other lie? Or in another way? Truths and lies of the pedagogical. Série-Estudos - Periódico Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Educação Da UCDB, 26(58), 305–321.



Dossiê: Currículo, resistência e criação com as artes