Am i (not) a robot? elements to think the subject in the social networks
social networks, adaptation, subject, digital cultureAbstract
This essay aims to reflect, based on the critical foundations of society, on the constitution of the subject in the context of social networks. In particular, to think about these impacts in the process of breaking the protective frontiers of the individual in this common. In this sense, the methodology is bibliographical with study in authors such as Batelle (2006), Colbo (2018), Türcke (2010), Zuin (1999, 2014), and other readings. As a theoretical discussion, the reflexive exercise is to highlight the oppressive dominance of semi-mediation mediated by social networks, since with its productions aimed at the public (from younger to older) they have stimulated, suggested, delineated, and determined forms of social existence and individual that directs towards the reproduction and adaptation of the social subjects, as well as their devices and realities. On these dynamics, we can infer that digital culture potentiates the fusion between the human being and the machine to the point of producing “robots” individuals that are controlled by means of electrical impulses emitted by chips connected to the brains. Therefore, it is essential to analyze how social networks redirect individuals and their relationships with other individuals in times of called digital culture. The results point to the possibility, by self-reflection, of awareness of this scenario, and it allows us to look beyond the screens of information and communication, in the sense of thinking about new directions of “being and to be” in the world.
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