Lifelong learning as a source of well-being and successful aging


  • Barbara Borges University of Manitoba
  • Kerstin Roger University of Manitoba


When we were born, we ‘received’ a script saying how our life would be. We would go to school, and then to the University, begin to work, marry, have children, then grandchildren and retire. What about after retirement? Nobody told us what to do for the next 20, 30, 40 years of our existence. In this scenario, education has an important role to keep older adults as active members in the society, incraesing their quality of life. This paper explores the importance of educational programs for older adults; it describes some of these programs; and discusses the importance and necessity for planning these educational programs, according to the target audience, their needs, and wishes. Finally, this paper offers some recommendations and conclusions about older adult education according to the existing literature.

Key words: Lifelong Learning. Education for Older Adults. Educational Programs.


Author Biographies

Barbara Borges, University of Manitoba

Ms. PhD student, Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba

Kerstin Roger, University of Manitoba

PhD. Associate Professor, University of Manitoba


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How to Cite

Borges, B., & Roger, K. (2014). Lifelong learning as a source of well-being and successful aging. Série-Estudos - Periódico Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Educação Da UCDB, (38), p. 35–46. Retrieved from


